The service areas and their impact in Consumer Brand relationship

11 de julho de 20232min

“The service areas and their impact in Consumer-Brand relationship Introduction
It is understood that correct customer service is literally a mandatory objective for any business that aims to succeed. The search for quality in customer service is no longer a strategy of differentiation in the market, it is the reservation of the importance of the human factor, because technology, without a highly structured process, created and thought of from people to people is only a mere tool.
The ABA Guide on “The service areas and their impact on the Consumer Brand Relationship” is a delivery from our Consumer Experience Committee, with Betania Gattai, Latam Consumer Engage Centers Manager at Unilever as president and Ana Vieira, Customer Relationship Manager PL at Kimberly-Clark as vice-president and Ivan Félix, Consumer Service Manager at Alpargatas. It had the support of the ABA Insights
Committee, presided by Candice Pomi, Market Research Director for Latin America at Kimberly-Clark, and contains results of the field survey conducted by Consultoria Maena Inteligência Analítica. The research process was possible thanks to the sponsorship of major ABA members, namely: Ajinomoto, Alpargatas, Johnson & Johnson, Kimberly-Clark, Heineken, Natura, Reckitt Benckiser and Unilever. These brands invested in building knowledge and guaranteed another step in the realization of ABA’s
purpose of “Mobilizing marketing to transform business and society”. (…) “


Faça parte da única associação do Brasil que tem por finalidade defender e representar coletivamente os interesses das empresas anunciantes no campo político e institucional, além de aglutinar, desenvolver e disseminar melhores práticas para potencializar melhores resultados no campo técnico-profissional.



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